Fill out a request for administrative help/fit note and get a response within 3 working days.

DWP: GP letters for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Employment and Support Allowance

Who do I see?

We are unable to provide letters of support


The DWP will usually contact your GP or healthcare professional to obtain medical evidence when you submit a PIP or ESA claim, the information is then sent to the DWP as part of your claim process.

We are therefore unable to provide additional letters of supports as the information we provide, will normally be included in the report requested by the DWP. However you may request your medical records if you feel this may help your case. If you wish a copy of your medical records please contact the practice who will advise you accordingly.

We have provided some useful contacts shown below to help you:

Useful contacts

Action for M.E.

information and support for people with M.E. and their carers General enquiries: 0117 927 9551 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) Enquiries email: Questions

Online M.E. Centre: Action for M.E.

Welfare Rights Line: 0845 122 8648 (times vary)

Citizens Advice Bureau

Offers advice on a range of issues and may complete a benefits check for you. Find your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

Disability information and Advice Line (DIAL)

To find your local DIAL office, contact Scope, 6 Market Road, London N7 9PW Tel: 0808 800 3333

Disability Rights UK

Factsheets on benefits, tax credits and independent living from disability rights uk

Local councils

Some local councils employ welfare rights workers. Your local council may also have information about other services that offer welfare rights advice in your area.