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NHS Pharmacy First Scotland

Minor illness?- then see your Pharmacist first

  • If you have a minor illness, a pharmacy is the first place you should go for advice
  • You do not usually need an appointment and you can go to any pharmacy
  • Your pharmacist can give you advice for a minor illness, and medicine if they think you need it
  • They will set up a Patient Medication Record (PMR) to make a note of any advice and treatment they give you
  • You can ask to use the pharmacy’s consultation area or room if you want to speak to the pharmacist in private.

Who is the service for?

You can use NHS Pharmacy First Scotland if you are registered with a GP practice in Scotland or you live in Scotland. Speak to the pharmacy team if you need further details. Visitors to Scotland are excluded.

How does the service work?

  • Pharmacists and their teams are experts in medicines and can help with minor health concerns. A pharmacist can give you advice and treatment (if you need it) for minor illnesses such as the following.
AcneHead lice
AllergiesHaemorrhoids (piles)
Athlete’s footHay fever
Blocked or runny noseIndigestion
Cold soresMouth ulcers
CoughPeriod pain
Cystitis (in women)Sore throat