Fill out a request for administrative help/fit note and get a response within 3 working days.

Register with us as a New Patient

Applications for new patients can be made at the practice between 10:00am – 5pm Monday – Friday. All new patients will be asked to complete the two downloadable forms below and provide two forms of identification (one proof of address & one photo ID), please bring your own proof of ID into the practice. Please do not post these to us.

Acceptance on to the list is as at the discretion of the Doctor. We will ask you for proof of identity. (Please refer to our registration policy below and why we ask for this).

Your medical records may take several weeks to arrive at the Practice. If you require medication please state this on the New Patient Questionnaire so we can ask for this information from your previous practice.

Download the forms

Please print the the completed forms below and hand them into reception along with your two forms of identification.

If you are registering a new born baby please complete the ‘New Baby Registration forms’ below and hand them into the surgery along with a copy of their birth certificate.

Examples of Identification: Drivers license, Passport, Birth Certificate, Bank Statements, Council tax, Tenancy Agreements, Any other bills with your address stated on them.