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Patient Rights (Scotland) Act 2011

This Act raises the focus of patient rights and responsibilities. It encourages feedback, comments, concerns and complaints about NHS services. The aim is to develop a culture that values and listens to the views of patients, carers and service users to help inform and improve the delivery of person-centred quality health care.  All NHS service providers are required to report quarterly to the Health Board on the number of complaints received; whether these were dealt with within 20 days; a summary of any key themes and actions taken to improve services as a result. To help patients understand their rights, the Citizens Advice Bureau provides a Patient Advice and Support Service . The support team can offer advice and information to patients who might be unclear of their rights or procedures. 

NHS Inform have provided further information and guidance on how to complain, which you may find helpful.

Your first point of contact should be to call The Practice Manager.  Alternatively, if you just want to make a comment, then you could let us know. We are always interested to hear your views on what you like about the surgery and what you think we could do differently.